Happy Halloween!!!

So, my Halloween is going to be pretty mild, watching a movie and handing out not-candy. As for the movie selection, I'm a big fat wuss, and hate super scary movies! They give me the heeby jeebies and then I can't be alone in the dark for weeks! Sooo, here are some of my favorite maybe creepy but not too scary Halloween movies...

Okay, that last one is a little scary, but I've seen it a few times, so I can handle it. I think I'm going to go with Addams Family this year. It's been a while since I've seen it!

What's your favorite Halloween movie?


  1. haha good choices! I definitely think Hocus Pocus is my go to, I love that one.

  2. Definitely Hocus Pocus! I can't believe that movie's almost 20 years old!

  3. Mine would have to be Nightmare before Christmas and Hocus Pocus!

  4. haha some of these make me laugh-just funny thinking back on them! i used to love hocus pocus yo!


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