I decided today that Oh So Nifty needed a little clean up... and a few changes.
So, if it looks a little wonky, it's because I'm tweaking stuff here and there.
Feedback on any changes is greatly appreciated! Especially if something doesn't look right!
Oh hey Thursday, what's up?!
How is it Thursday? Where did this week go?!
Is anyone else with me on this?
It seriously feels like Monday!
I guess all this getting ready for baby takes up a lot of time!
I've been back at crocheting this week. I think baby already has a bigger hat collection than I do!
I know if it's a boy the purple won't really work, but I had to do it anyway! I made myself one too!
I've also been trying to teach myself to knit. I've got the idea down, but I think I'm holding the needles wrong. It looks pretty silly when I stop and actually look at how I'm doing it.
My friend got me a What to Knit When You're Expecting
book, and I want to make something out of it. So I better keep practicing!
Anyone crochet or knit? Or do both? Which do you like better? Or is it more like some things are better done one way rather than the other?
Is anyone else with me on this?
It seriously feels like Monday!
I guess all this getting ready for baby takes up a lot of time!
I've been back at crocheting this week. I think baby already has a bigger hat collection than I do!
I know if it's a boy the purple won't really work, but I had to do it anyway! I made myself one too!
I've also been trying to teach myself to knit. I've got the idea down, but I think I'm holding the needles wrong. It looks pretty silly when I stop and actually look at how I'm doing it.
My friend got me a What to Knit When You're Expecting
Anyone crochet or knit? Or do both? Which do you like better? Or is it more like some things are better done one way rather than the other?
We love you earth!
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Being earth day weekend, we have been spending as much time outside as we can.
We completely un-plugged and were tech-free for the whole day yesterday.
No phones. No screens. No internet!
It wasn't really planned, but it was such a nice change of pace.
We headed to the local nursery to get a few more goodies for the garden.
Had a great lunch out in the beautiful 80 degree weather.
And spent the rest of the day digging and planting in the garden.
Our summer garden is in full swing! Or at least planted, so it will be soon!
Today we are still gardening, and are about to barbeque.
I'm pretty sure we will probably end up at the beach later.
I don't think it gets much better!
How did you spend your weekend? Did you do anything 'earthy'?
Hope it was great either way!
Photo a day challenge link up!
blog/instagram blog/instagram blog/instagramOh you have no idea what I'm talking about?
Just click here for the full details on how to join us!
Don't worry if you're "behind," Just jump right in!

If you are already in the know, this is your chance to link up!
Both blogs and Instagram profiles are welcome and
before you link up, please make sure to follow all 3 of the hosts.
Oh baby!
I'm back from the baby shower! It was so much fun! I'm so glad I got to see everyone!
It was a long drive there and back, but so worth it.
Here's a picture from the shower. I should have more soon!
I'm so glad I had a dress that still fit over this big belly!
Since I've been back I've been going through all the fun baby stuff and trying to figure out where it is all going to go! {I'm pretty sure stacks in the living room won't cut it!}
I'm also trying to figure out what we still need. I think it's mostly down to some more cloth diapers and a few small things. Yay!
Having all this little stuff around is getting me even more excited for this little one to come! Only 8 more weeks! Wow, that's really soon, and I guess if baby comes early it could be 5 weeks! Eeeek! I'm going to go with 8!
I know a lot of you are moms already, so, do you have any advice for this cloth diapering-organic loving-soon to be- mom?! Is there anything you just couldn't live without? Or that made your life so much easier?
It was a long drive there and back, but so worth it.
Here's a picture from the shower. I should have more soon!
I'm so glad I had a dress that still fit over this big belly!
Since I've been back I've been going through all the fun baby stuff and trying to figure out where it is all going to go! {I'm pretty sure stacks in the living room won't cut it!}
I'm also trying to figure out what we still need. I think it's mostly down to some more cloth diapers and a few small things. Yay!
Having all this little stuff around is getting me even more excited for this little one to come! Only 8 more weeks! Wow, that's really soon, and I guess if baby comes early it could be 5 weeks! Eeeek! I'm going to go with 8!
I know a lot of you are moms already, so, do you have any advice for this cloth diapering-organic loving-soon to be- mom?! Is there anything you just couldn't live without? Or that made your life so much easier?
Bump Day: 31 Weeks!
How Far Along: 31 Weeks! These weeks are flying by!
Size of the Baby: Crazy fruit comparison: Pineapple!!! In
real measurements: just over 16 inches head to toe and weighs about 3.3 pounds!
Maternity Clothes: When I have to put on real clothes, and not just sweats, I've been in dresses. Some of them look more like shirts, so I wear it with pants, but dresses are awesome right now!
Stretch marks: Still in the clear! Woot!!
Weight gain/loss: Didn't gain any weight this week, so I'm still up 16.5 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight.
Sleep: Last night was bad, I just couldn't sleep, and apparently neither could baby!
Best Moment of the Week: I just had another appointment this morning and baby has flipped! {head down} I figured it was the case, I've had so many jabs to the ribs this week!
Best Moment of the Week: I just had another appointment this morning and baby has flipped! {head down} I figured it was the case, I've had so many jabs to the ribs this week!
Movement: Seriously, this baby doesn't stop lately. It just wiggles and flips and kicks all day! {and now night apparently!}
Symptoms: Still dealing with the heartburn. It's lame!
Food Cravings: Nope.
Gender: I've decided that I am going to be completely surprised either way! I just can't fully picture baby being a boy or girl, so it's going to be pretty amazing to see for myself pretty soon!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, still feeling good!
Labor Signs: Not even close.
Wedding ring on or off: On, an still roomy!
What I miss: Only going pee when I actually have to go! I swear I feel like I have to go all the time, but I guess it's just how baby is sitting.
What I am looking forward to: Seeing all my friends and family this weekend! I can't believe the shower is here already!
Getting ready: I think the whole nesting thing is finally starting to kick in. I've been cleaning and attempting to organize. The only problem is I seem to get sidetracked so easy, so lots of things are part way done. lol!
What I am looking forward to: Seeing all my friends and family this weekend! I can't believe the shower is here already!
Getting ready: I think the whole nesting thing is finally starting to kick in. I've been cleaning and attempting to organize. The only problem is I seem to get sidetracked so easy, so lots of things are part way done. lol!
Emotions: So excited
Stupid things I have done: I can't stay focused on anything this week! It's bad!
Photo a day challenge Link up!
Its time for round 2!!
Oh you have no idea what I'm talking about?
Just click here for the full details on how to join us!
Don't worry if you're "behind," Just jump right in!
If you are already in the know, this is your chance to link up!
Both blogs and Instagram profiles are welcome and
Here are my photos for the week. My Instagram has not been nice to me, so I missed a day and doubled up on one. Oh well.
Oh you have no idea what I'm talking about?
Just click here for the full details on how to join us!
Don't worry if you're "behind," Just jump right in!

If you are already in the know, this is your chance to link up!
Both blogs and Instagram profiles are welcome and
before you link up, please make sure to follow all 3 of the hosts.
Here are my photos for the week. My Instagram has not been nice to me, so I missed a day and doubled up on one. Oh well.
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Day 6: happy plate |
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Day 7: Black and white |
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Day 8: New baby stuff |
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Day 9: He slept in this bag instead of his bed, priceless |
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Day 10 & 11: Getting this dirty dog clean! |
Now on to Week 2! Let's see what you've got!
photo a day,
spring fling
Let's celebrate with By the Porchlight!
Lesley from By the Porchlight is celebrating one year of blogging greatness with a wonderful giveaway!
Check it out and enter to win!
One very lucky winner will receive:
$45 Amazon
$15 Starbucks
$20 shop credit to Pretty Little Prints
Choice of item from ThreeInchStitch Etsy shop
$15 shop credit to Bamboo Blossom
1 hr We Talk: You Write session 5 RedBox movie codes (US only, expires Aug 1/13)
Wedge ad space on Lipgloss & Crayons
Big Tex ad space from Downhome Traveler
Large ad space from Mikaela Rae
Large ad space from Oh So Nifty
3 months ad space on Girl Booklet
Enter now! And thank you all for making my first year of blogging so much fun!
Check it out and enter to win!
It's Good to be Queen | Girl Booklet | Lipgloss & Crayons | Mikaela Rae | Pink Heels Pink Truck | Fabuless Wardrobe | Downhome Traveler | Not in Jersey | Three Inch Stitch | My Three Bittles | Just Jacq | Busy as a Honey Bee | (Bee)autiful Blessings | Dear Brighton | Fel's Got Swag | Oh So Nifty | Bamboo Blossom | Life with a Side of Coffee
One very lucky winner will receive:
$45 Amazon
$15 Starbucks
$20 shop credit to Pretty Little Prints
Choice of item from ThreeInchStitch Etsy shop
$15 shop credit to Bamboo Blossom
1 hr We Talk: You Write session 5 RedBox movie codes (US only, expires Aug 1/13)
Wedge ad space on Lipgloss & Crayons
Big Tex ad space from Downhome Traveler
Large ad space from Mikaela Rae
Large ad space from Oh So Nifty
3 months ad space on Girl Booklet
Enter now! And thank you all for making my first year of blogging so much fun!
Win a Kindle Fire HD!!!
The time has come! You can officially enter in to win yourself a Kindle Fire HD!
Exciting right! Check out all the details below and get to entering!
There is no doubt that Isabelle Thornton of Le Chateau des Fleurs is talented. This French-girl-gone-Utah has a wildly popular blog full of interesting DIY posts, photography, giveaways, and great reviews. Aside from being an awesome blogger, she also creates fun apps for phones. Previously her "Make Me Skinny" or Bon Bon app has kept many entertained as they edited and adjusted photos on their iPhones, and now I'm excited to announce she's released an entirely new app! This one is different, and for Android!
Let's face it, sometimes you spend more time with your smart phone than you do with your spouse, friends, coworkers, and family... You sleep with it, eat with it, and admit it-you take it to the bathroom with you! With Smartphone DNA you are creating a new kind of experience with your Smartphone.
Exciting right! Check out all the details below and get to entering!
Let's face it, sometimes you spend more time with your smart phone than you do with your spouse, friends, coworkers, and family... You sleep with it, eat with it, and admit it-you take it to the bathroom with you! With Smartphone DNA you are creating a new kind of experience with your Smartphone.
What is Smartphone DNA?
Smartphone DNA is an app dedicated to Twitter users, and it allows you to collect your Twitter DNA via your Android phone, and then compare it against other twitter users to see how much you match! This is a great way to locate new Twitter friends that have things in common with you!
How it works:
- Smartphone DNA shows you a list of apps you currently have installed.
- You select the apps you want to share as part of your DNA
- Smartphone DNA shows you how closely you match the DNA of other users.
Smartphone DNA is 100% secure and controlled by you.
Win a Kindle Fire HD
To celebrate the release of Smartphone DNA, Isabelle is offering one lucky newsletter subscriber a brand new Kindle Fire HD! Can you say wow? This is the reader of all readers-with a 7" full color HD display, exclusive Dolby audio, and ultra-fast WiFi it's top of the line. Don't miss out on this opportunity to have one for yourself! Follow the break to enter the giveaway:
In the garden
I just had to get some close up shots of our garden this week!
Everything is just beautiful right now!
I even took my camera off auto and tried my hand at some actual photography!
I really need to figure out my camera a little more.
I've pretty much been using it as a big fancy point and shoot!
Anyone else have that problem? I'm working on it.
Everything is just beautiful right now!
I even took my camera off auto and tried my hand at some actual photography!
I really need to figure out my camera a little more.
I've pretty much been using it as a big fancy point and shoot!
Anyone else have that problem? I'm working on it.
Bump Day: 30 weeks!
I think I'm out growing this shirt! It's being stretched to it's limits! Next week calls for an under shirt!
How Far Along: 30 Weeks! 3/4 of the way there!
Maternity Clothes: I actually wore a few maternity shirts this week. I've learned that I'm probably a small, not a medium in maternity sizes. They are a little funny fitting.
Stretch marks: Still in the clear!
Weight gain/loss: Up 16.5 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. Yup, I lost a pound this week, I think it's my body's way of apologizing for the crazy weight gain last week!
Movement: Crazy movement! I can watch my stomach move all over the place, jiggling and shifting... it's crazy.
Symptoms: Heartburn! I have NEVER had heart burn before! It sucks! I guess that's what happens when your stomach moves into your chest!
Food Cravings: Nothing really this week.
Gender: I'm going to start writing down everyone's guesses, just to see who was right. Most everyone thinks it will be a girl, I guess we'll see!
Belly Button in or out: Stretched, but still in!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, still feeling good!
Labor Signs: Not even close.
Wedding ring on or off: On, an still roomy!
Stupid things I have done: Besides forgetting what I'm saying mid sentence, I think I'm doing okay.
How Far Along: 30 Weeks! 3/4 of the way there!
Size of the Baby: Crazy fruit comparison: I saw both a head of cabbage and a cucumber! How does that work?! In
real measurements: about 15.7 inches head to toe and weighs about 3 pounds!
Maternity Clothes: I actually wore a few maternity shirts this week. I've learned that I'm probably a small, not a medium in maternity sizes. They are a little funny fitting.
Stretch marks: Still in the clear!
Weight gain/loss: Up 16.5 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. Yup, I lost a pound this week, I think it's my body's way of apologizing for the crazy weight gain last week!
Sleep: Actually pretty good this week!
Best Moment of the Week: Hmmm... what happened this week?
Best Moment of the Week: Hmmm... what happened this week?
Movement: Crazy movement! I can watch my stomach move all over the place, jiggling and shifting... it's crazy.
Symptoms: Heartburn! I have NEVER had heart burn before! It sucks! I guess that's what happens when your stomach moves into your chest!
Food Cravings: Nothing really this week.
Gender: I'm going to start writing down everyone's guesses, just to see who was right. Most everyone thinks it will be a girl, I guess we'll see!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, still feeling good!
Labor Signs: Not even close.
Wedding ring on or off: On, an still roomy!
What I miss: Being able to get up easily. Our sofa is super low, and it's pretty hard to get up sometimes!
What I am looking forward to: My shower! It's really getting close now! Next week we are driving up, I can't wait to see everyone!
Getting ready: This week I've been focused on other things, like taxes... booo taxes!
What I am looking forward to: My shower! It's really getting close now! Next week we are driving up, I can't wait to see everyone!
Getting ready: This week I've been focused on other things, like taxes... booo taxes!
Emotions: Great! I feel so happy to be having such a great pregnancy, I know that isn't the case for everyone.
Stupid things I have done: Besides forgetting what I'm saying mid sentence, I think I'm doing okay.
April photo a day challenge Link Up!
It's Time!!
How did you do for week one!?
Oh you have no idea what I'm talking about?
Just click here for the full details on how to join us!
If you are already in the know, this is your chance to link up!
Both blogs and Instagram profiles are welcome and
Oh you have no idea what I'm talking about?
Just click here for the full details on how to join us!
If you are already in the know, this is your chance to link up!
Both blogs and Instagram profiles are welcome and
before you link up, please make sure to follow all 3 of the hosts.
I'm excited to see what you come up with!
Don't worry if you're "behind" go ahead and show us anyway
Here are my shots for the week so far:
Now it's your turn! Link up so we can see what you've been up to!
Don't worry if you're "behind" go ahead and show us anyway
Here are my shots for the week so far:
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Day 1: gottcha little salamander |
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Day 2: on the wall... my inspiration |
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Day 3: Our future. |
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Day 4: bloom |
Now it's your turn! Link up so we can see what you've been up to!
Look what I've got...
I have a great giveaway to share with you all today! Well, it's more of a heads up, but it's still great! I {and a ton of other bloggers} am promoting this awesome Kindle Fire HD giveaway! Check out the details below and come back to enter on April 10th!

Isabelle from Le Chateau des Fleurs recently released a new Android app called Smartphone DNA, and to promote it she is giving away a Kindle Fire HD-which she is sponsoring entirely. The giveaway will be hosted by My So-Called Chaos, and will be posted on a ton of blogs! There will be TONS of ways to enter so get ready for this great chance to win an awesome product!
Make sure to come back on April 10th to enter!
Coming soon!

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