What I'm doing now

I have some big changes going on right now. Big, fun changes.

I have been going to school {in all of my free time} to become a holistic health coach. It has been a little trying to juggle this and an ever growing baby boy, but I am so excited at the possibilities that this will bring me!

Health has been at the forefront of everything we do for so long now that it just feels right to be heading in this direction.

When we first started changing our ways and started our journey to health, I wanted to bring everyone I knew along with me. I was so excited to share everything I was learning with anyone who would listen to me!

You want to know how that worked?... It didn't.

It turns out unsolicited advice isn't wanted. No one wanted to hear it, simply because they weren't seeking it out for themselves. Instead of being this awesome voice of new found clarity, I probably sounded a lot more like the teacher on Charlie Brown...Wahwhahh whahwwaaah. It took me a while to realize this, but when I did, I decided to only give advice when asked directly. I didn't want to be 'that' person!

So, here I am, 8 years later and I'm finally getting to share my passion, but this time with people who actually want to hear it and are looking for a positive change in their lives.

I know what an amazing impact our healthy lifestyle has had on our lives, and am so excited to share it with others. Going through this schooling at Integrative Nutrition has been amazing! I am so happy to have found it, and that it has given me a new ability to share what I love with the world!

I will keep you all updated on my journey into this new part of my life, as I finish school and start up my practice! If you want to checkout why I love this school so much, click on the link below.


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