Read it! The Balanced Plate

This morning I perused my bookcase looking for a book to flip through while watching Sage play with his favorite toys and things he likes to think are toys. I landed on The Balanced Plate by The Balanced Plate by Renée Loux It's been a while sine I've picked it up, and I had forgot what a great book it is. Her book is filled not only with great recipes, but lots of good information on food in general.  She gets into the benefits of whole food and why eating organic is so important. One of my favorite parts of this book is the in depth look at the kitchen and everything in it, from spices to composting and even how to clean your kitchen naturally. Then after all that you get into all of her amazing recipes!

I don't think you could go wrong with this book, and I would recommend it to anyone looking to better their eating or even just their life. Which is why I am sharing it with you today, just because I think you should know about it! I linked it up to Amazon so you can order it now if you want, or go find it at your local bookstore, if you are lucky enough to have one near you still.


Okay, have you been wondering what I've been up to? 
Maybe not, but I'll tell you anyway! Or show you rather, via instagram pictures.

So, we moved a while ago and are still getting settled in. (hence the lack of posts) We are close to family now, which is awesome for Sage, and us too of course! No more 6 hour drives to see the grandparents. They are LOVING that!

Sage is getting SO big! He's seriously growing way too fast! He's pretty mobile now too, he's not quite crawling, but he can get where he wants to be! And somehow he keeps getting cuter! I'm not sure how that works, but everyday he's cuter than the last!

Here are some of the photos that I've snapped lately.

His first time eating dirt... I'm sure there will be plenty more of this to come.
"styling" moms hair... he's got the knotted look down!
Playing in the laundry basket. This was his favorite for days!
fun crochet project in the window between baby bedtime and moms bedtime
getting Sage's first Christmas tree
enjoying some of the best vegan sugar cookies ever!...or breakfast.
chocolate sourdough muffins, so tasty
we've had some epic sunsets lately
this kid... he thought he'd just hang upside-down off the couch or a bit
he's a happy boy!
see this!!! he's getting too big!
figuring this whole hat thing out
really pretty beets, sliced thin and ready to ferment kraut style
So that's a little of what's been going on here. Now that we are getting settled we are getting some fun projects going. It's pretty exciting. I'll be sure to keep you in the loop.

Speaking of projects, I've got the crafty bug biting me right now, any great projects I should try?

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