Baby shower brunch

Last weekend we threw a baby shower for my new sister-in-law.  It couldn't have been a better day.  The weather was perfect, brunch was amazing (thanks to my mother-in-law) and everyone had a great time.
I was so excited to have this shower for her, it meant I could bust out my craftiness in a big way!  Not everything I set out to do made it to the party, but what did was super fun!  So, I thought I'd round up a few pictures and share the crafty goodness that came from this shower. =)
First off there were the invitations, simple but fun...

I wanted to hand make all the invites, but when the guest list reached 75+ I started to rethink it. So, I compromised with semi-hand made.  I bought simple invites, downloaded a cute font, and cut out and attached little pennants along the top.

Here are some shots from the shower.

Walkway into the yard.

Table with a bazillion hand made pouffes.

The super cute food cart.

Yummy treats.

Onesies decorated by all the guests.

LOVE LOVE LOVE how these turned out.

Love these little birdies.

I can't wait for the next party to come around! ;)

Wednesday craft night

What's on the table for tonight?  

Flower hair accessories

I am making these for a friends wedding.  One down and 11 more to go!
I am also making her veil, more on that later.

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